You’ve had this problem for years. You know the pain it has caused you. Maybe you hid it from those you love. You remember how hard it was to admit that you’re an alcoholic. But, even though it has caused you pain, you are determined to put your life back together. And you do not want your past addiction to […]
Is Alcoholism a Disability?
Five Ways to Spot Sexism in the Workplace
The Metoo movement is a much-needed wake-up call. It put men on notice that women no longer would accept workplace sexism. But sexism did not magically disappear overnight. It still is an ongoing battle. We’ve had some high-profile celebrities answer for their sexism in some meaningful way. But most of us do not work in Hollywood. And the sexism that […]
Guide to Approaching Car Insurance Discrimination Against People With Low Income
By Mandy Sleight Article originally posted on Moneygeek. Attorney Lacy weights in on a very important issue: Discrimination in the car insurance industry. This is very much a civil rights issue. State laws and regulations allow car insurance companies to use many factors when determining rates, leading to discrimination among specific groups. Members of minority groups, people earning low incomes, […]
Is Asthma a Disability? Yes, It Almost Always is Considered a Disability
Asthma can be considered a disability under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). But the definition of disability is not clearly defined under the ADA. And whether asthma actually qualifies is subject to interpretation. Just because you have asthma attacks, does not mean that you are protected. Further, even if you are protected at work under the ADA, you might […]
What is a Tangible Employment Action?
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is the statute that protects employees against discrimination and harassment at work. In almost every case, employees must show that a tangible employment occurred to prove their Title VII case.
But what is a tangible employment action? This is what we in the legal world call a “term of art.” Lawyers use these terms to refer to some legal principles. For instance “double jeopardy” means that you cannot be charged with the same crime twice.
What are the Types of Title VII Damages?
You’ve been discriminated against. And you lost your job. You’ve brought a lawsuit. You’ve likely been at this for years. You’re angry. Perhaps you had to check a box when asked whether you’ve been fired. And now, you’re on the verge of actually winning. Whether it’s a settlement agreement or at trial.
Until this point, you may not have stopped to consider what you actually win. In this post, we’ll talk about just that. What damages you can win in an employment case.